
『Yuri!!! on ICE』3 Deformation of a cute plush toy!

『Yuri!!! on ICE』3 Deformation of a cute plush toy!

It is even particular about a detail of clothes and am reproduced.

Yuri Katsuki

Viktor Nikifolov

Yuri · Prysetwki

Release date : 



Yuri Katsuki  : Add cart
Viktor Nikifolov  : Add cart
Yuri · Prysetwki  : Add cart

Japanese Girl's reaction                   

Want all of 3!!

Hey wait, 
cute so cute cute cute !!!

Oh ~ ~ ~ Yuri cute ~~~ Victor ~~~ Oh ~ ~ ~...
 (sharp vocabulary decline due to Moe)


Yuri !? You are CUTE !!


Viktor is cute though (* '艸 `)


This Yurio is cute. 
I want it.


Plush cute! 
Ah yeah, My money will be fly ー ー ー ー ー. ° ('^ ω ^ `) ゜.


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